
Desexing is the sterilisation for dogs and cats to prevent them from having puppies or kittens

It is a recommended procedure for all pets not intended for breeding purposes

Males - Castration involves the removal of the testicles from the scrotal sac.

Females -Spay involves the removal of both ovaries and uterus.

 What are can I de sex my pet? 

The most common age to desex your pet is between 4 and 6 months, however they are never too old to be desexed.

There are many benefits to desexing your pet before 6 months.

They include:

  • Preventing unwanted litters, which can be very costly, and may add to the already overwhelming number of stray animals that are put down each year
  • Prevention of testicular cancer and prostate disease in males, and it can help prevent pyometra (infection of the uterus) and mammary tumours (breast cancer) in females
  • Stopping the “heat” cycle in females 
  • Decreasing aggression towards humans and other animals, especially in males
  • Being less prone to wander, especially in males
  • Reduction of council registration fees

Should I de sex my bitch when in heat?

If you notice your pet in heat prior to surgery, notify the veterinary practice. Unless it is an emergency, it is often best to wait 2-3 weeks after the heat before booking them in for desexing. During a heat, the uterus has an increased blood supply and can be more fragile.

What are the behavioural changes associated with desexing?

Sexual behaviour will disappear after desexing, however on rare occasions sexual behaviour may continue.

Desexed females are less likely to urinate at the front door or howl nonstop when in heat.Desexed males are less likely to roam, mount, mark or fight.

Are de-sexed pets prone to obesity?

  • Energy requirements are known to decrease by up to a third after desexing. Managing your pet's caloric intake and exercise levels are important it keeping your pet at a healthy weight.
  • As with people, pets become less active with age and, therefore, caloric requirements may decrease.

What is a retained testicle?

A retained testicle is a testicle that has not descended into the scrotum by the age of 6 months. Abdominal surgery may be required to locate and remove the retained testicle.

How soon after having puppies should a bitch be de sexed?

It is recommended that a brood bitch is desexed once puppies have been weaned, their milk has dried up and the breast tissue has returned to normal size.

Ideal opportunity to get other things done

 Other procedures that can be combined with desexing and so saving you the cost of an extra anaesthetic later include;

  • Microchipping
  • Heartworm tests
  • Vaccinations
  • Baby teeth removal
  • Stenotic nares and or shortening a long soft palate in brachycephalic breeds (Pug, French Bull Dog, Bull Dog)
  • Dew Claws
  • Umbilical Hernias